We got a family to go to church this week! I have had the same thing happen in each area I have been in. The first transfer cycle we don't baptize, because the area did not have progressing investigators. And now the second cycle, we will start to baptize. This family is really good. At first I didn't think so, because she said she was a Jehovah's Witness for ten years.
But practically her whole family are members. And she even asked for a Bible because we explained how changed the New World translation of the holy scriptures is from the Bible. I believe she will be baptized soon. And how we found her is because her mom *we think* sent her address in the referral system. and her daughter had been listening to the missionaries with her aunt, and when we went to search for her daughter, who is in the area book, we were like, oh you´re Paula Valdez. we have a referral of you.
We had a stake conference this week and it was focused on the Area Plan for Mexico. They did something different last year by making an Area Plan that fit on one page. Basically it says we want to increment the faith of the members in Mexico. We want to do that by focusing on being full tithe payers, and keeping the Sabbath Day holy. What I have seen is that the people don't understand really what it is to keep the Sabbath Day holy. Here it is mainly the concept of buying things on Sunday. Tortillas. Buying tortillas. I think of a part in Doctrine of Salvation, where he says, "just a little cup of tea? Will you risk your salvation for a little cup of tea?" to fit it to Mexico you just put in tortillas instead of tea. I don't know if this is a problem in all the world or not, but I haven't gotten the chance to speak in church since I have thought of this. But I want to teach the members what keep the Sabbath Day holy means.
9 Cycles Down, 8 to go. I really like covering the agendas. It's a cool difference and it's more durable.
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